Out of the experience of this few 8 months, I have tried my best to write a good code. This tool is kind of a warmup in the weekend I did to exercise and practice some neat python code. At the moment I havent written tests but I have made a GUI as well as terminal version of this tool.
You can also add a module/package to sys.path if it is not in default list of sys.path.
Right now I havent written test for it, I had some more functionality pending that I want to add like adding custom paths to history so user does not have to browse each and everytime, also auto complition of the modules installed in python lib.
Here is a link to code on github: https://github.com/sanfx/searchMethod
git clone https://github.com/sanfx/searchMethod.git
make sure both those projects are saved to location that is in sys.path by default.
and edit a path in python/searchMethod.py that is hardcoded path to listFilter.
I will fix that soonish.
run the script "searchMethod" from scripts/searchMethod in terminal or by double clicking in Finder.
if found result will be shown below, and of the selected method you can look for help on that method on the bottom right.
Feel free to branch/ fork and add some comments/suggestions.
I hope this can be of any use to you.